Git Markdown is a markup language that creates HTML-like documents for web-based Git repos like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.
The documents are documentation for your repo. They describe topics such as installation, configuration, and deployment. They document development and contribution procedures. The topics are up to you.
Markdown files render like HTML in web-based Git repos. They are popular in repos and expected by developers.
A Markdown file is nothing more than a text document with the file extension .md. The file contains Markdown syntax. Here is an example of a Level 1 header:
# My Repo
The single # indicates a Level 1 header. Two ## indicate a Level 2 header:
## Installation
Here is a sample list:
* lions * tigers * bears...and a sample numbered list:
1. Wash 1. Rinse 1. RepeatNote that the numbers are all 1s, but they will appear as 1, 2, and 3 when they render in the browser.